Annie Hemphill

Strategic Data Project, Data Fellow

Annie is a data fellow joining Education Northwest through the Harvard Strategic Data Partnership. Her expertise is in equitable evaluation, quantitative data analysis, qualitative analysis, and applied education research. She has worked on a variety of research projects in school choice, dual language immersion, and rural education, all of which were centered around evaluating policies to better understand how they can be implemented to promote equitable access.

Annie has 10 years of experience working in various roles in education. She was a grade 4 teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma; a policy researcher on international education programs at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; and a researcher on national education policy during her time as a graduate student and research associate at the Center for Public Education.


  • Ph.D., Education Policy, Michigan State University
  • M.A., Comparative Education, University College London

I dream of going to...

Australia and New Zealand

My dream dinner party guest is...

Tina Fey

My Hogwarts House is...


Annie Hemphill

Areas of Expertise

  • Educational equity
  • Program Evaluation
  • Quantitative Data Analysis
  • Strategic Planning