The Oregon Department of Education partnered with us—with input from over 400 individuals in 60 focus groups—to develop a new Multilingual Strategic Plan for the state.
Working with the National Association of Counties, Education Northwest created tools to help local leaders promote cross-sector partnerships for education and employment.
Education Northwest partners with Washington state’s Open Doors program to help the youth furthest from justice to reengage with learning and pursue their goals.
Through a research partnership, we helped Washington state address its teacher shortage and increase teacher diversity.
Together, Benefits Data Trust and Education Northwest leveraged student voice in applied research to improve college students’ access to SNAP benefits.
Student success in introductory community college math courses, also called gateway math, influences transfer and degree completion.
How can we support rural students’ decision making about life after high school? The Ford Family Foundation partnered with us to collect and analyze the data.
Oregon Promise is a financial aid program for community college students. We used data to study which students the program reaches and how they are impacted.
Colleges and universities are partnering with community-based organizations to support students holistically—including their basic needs. We looked at what makes these partnerships successful.
Education Northwest created a suite of on-demand online training modules to help Washington state educators support learners experiencing homelessness.
The diversity of programs makes it difficult to arrive at a single definition of a high school alternative. We took an asset-based approach offering supportive adult relationships, and providing wraparound services.
Youth development programs in rural areas often lack high quality professional development opportunities for members of their staff. Ford Family Foundation partnered with us to help.
Education Northwest has helped SkillsUSA build a suite of career readiness and leadership development offerings aligned with best practices in online and blended learning.
An increasing number of U.S. students are multilingual learners, but teachers prepared to serve these students are almost always in short supply. A five-year partnership trains teachers to meet multilingual students' needs.
More than four million U.S. young adults have disengaged from the K–12 education system. We partnered with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to study reengagement programs’ goals and effectiveness.