What factors contribute to the success of school reengagement programs for young adults? The Annie E. Casey Foundation partnered with us to find out.
- Youth, Family & Community
- Postsecondary Success
Louisiana State University’s Introduction to Computational Thinking course builds skills in problem solving, programming, and mathematics.
- School System Improvement, Youth, Family & Community
Education Northwest partners with Washington state’s Open Doors program to help the youth furthest from justice to reengage with learning and pursue their goals.
- Career & Technical Education, Postsecondary Success
Working with the National Association of Counties, Education Northwest created tools to help local leaders promote cross-sector partnerships for education and employment.
- English Learners
The Oregon Department of Education partnered with us—with input from over 400 individuals in 60 focus groups—to develop a new Multilingual Strategic Plan for the state.
- Postsecondary Success
Achieving the Dream’s Building Resiliency in Rural Communities initiative supports a cohort of seven rural colleges in helping students build digital skills.
- English Learners
To support multilingual learners, Beaverton School District partnered with us to assess the impact of its dual language programs.
- English Learners, Dual Language
Beaverton School District has Oregon’s third largest population of multilingual students, including English learners, who bring valuable cultural, linguistic, and individual strengths, assets, and diversity to the classroom.
- Postsecondary Success
Evaluating the College Housing Assistance Program in Tacoma, which provided housing vouchers to students experiencing homelessness.
- Postsecondary Success
Two reports on the ECMC Foundation’s Basic Needs Initiative, which supported basic needs services at over 70 colleges and universities.
- Postsecondary Success
Many college students struggle to afford the full cost of college attendance, which includes tuition and fees as well as food, housing, transportation, access to the internet, and other living expenses.
- Postsecondary Success
How can partnerships between colleges and community-based organizations be leveraged to support students?
- Family Engagement
Astoria decided to begin by reviewing equity across the district, then use the evidence to prioritize their work on key focus areas. They hired Education Northwest to lead an equity review and uncover opportunities to promote equity for everyone in the district.
- Postsecondary Success
Colleges and universities are partnering with community-based organizations to support students holistically—including their basic needs. We looked at what makes these partnerships successful.
- Postsecondary Success
How can we support rural students’ decision making about life after high school? The Ford Family Foundation partnered with us to collect and analyze the data.