Nicole Sage


Nicole enjoys thinking systemically on the best ways to create, implement, and track progress on a project. She loves the design phase of a new project and bubbles with excitement when asked to build a project management or database system to track progress toward project goals. Nicole’s favorite thing to do is to be her own devil’s advocate when thinking through complex questions and systems. Her goal for the future is to find ways to better integrate multiple systems across the organization to optimize project progress, knowledge management, and organizational resources.

Nicole has 30 years of teaching, research, and administrative work in higher education and nonprofit organizations. She has worked as a researcher at the Oregon Department of Education, directed research on children’s school motivation at Portland State University, and taught college-level psychology and research methods classes. Nicole came to Education Northwest in April 2008 as a research associate. For 13 years, she served as project manager for one of our largest contracts: the Regional Educational Laboratory Northwest. She now serves as a project manager on smaller contracts and is working toward standardizing project management principals across the organization. Nicole also serves as the institutional review board administrator and co-chair.


  • Ph.D., Systems Science: Psychology, Portland State University
  • M.S., Applied Psychology, Portland State University
  • A.S., Business Administration, Portland Community College
  • B.S. Psychology, Portland State University

I volunteer with...

local theatres as front of house (usher)

If I was stranded on a deserted island, I would bring...

My girls and my dog "Winnie" (though my girls may not want to be stranded on an island with me so it may be just me and Winnie)

My favorite subject in school was...

Journalism and Yearbook


Areas of Expertise

  • Project management
  • Systems perspectives
  • Peer groups and student engagement
  • Observation methodology