Rachel Maller


Rachel works with partners to use data and evidence to inform decision making in education. She specializes in conducting high-quality research and transforming it into actionable, relevant deliverables. Her expertise spans a range of topics including educational equity, student and teacher well-being, and college and career pathways. Rachel prioritizes building positive relationships and collaborating with partners to address persistent issues in education and create solutions that work for all. 

Before joining Education Northwest, Rachel was a graduate student at the University of Iowa, where she studied the sociology of education. For several years, she collaborated with K–12 districts in a research-practice partnership, using school climate data to address inequities in student experiences and outcomes. She also served as an evaluation researcher and teaching assistant. Prior to graduate school, Rachel’s first jobs involved working directly with youth, and her passion for youth development continues to drive her work today. She is grateful to be able to bring together her love of data with her commitment to supporting youth, making a difference in education through both research and action.


  • M.A., Sociology, University of Iowa
  • B.A., Sociology, University of Iowa

If I was an animal, I would be...

A butterfly

My kryptonite is...

Sour patch kids

One word that describes me is...


Rachel Maller

Areas of Expertise

  • K–12 school climate
  • College and career pathways
  • Quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Strategic planning

Case Briefs & Publications