Lesson Study Resources

Lesson Study is a structured, collaborative professional development intervention with evidence showing that it improves mathematics instruction among K-12 teachers.
Lesson Study provides a framework for instructors to actively investigate how to improve learning in their classrooms.
Resources from Education Northwest
Lesson Study: Getting Started
Download a visual representation that describes the stages in a lesson study cycle and see interviews with three college instructors about their experience with each stage.
Lesson Study Facilitator Guide
There are numerous resources available on conducting lesson study, but relatively few that are specifically designed for facilitators.
Lesson Study Participant Guide
This guide was developed with math faculty members to support lesson study, but it can be used across content areas in K-16 settings.
Lesson Study Team Notebook
This resource can be used by a lesson study team to document its work throughout a cycle.
Leading Lesson Study: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Facilitators
This how-to book, co-authored by Education Northwest staff and published with Corwin Press, is an excellent resource for experienced and novice lesson study teams, administrators who want to start a lesson study program and lesson study team facilitators (such as instructional coaches and professional development providers).
Lesson Study: Teachers Learning Together
These articles in NW Teacher introduce lesson study and provide an eight-step outline of the process.
Lesson Study: Crafting Learning Together
This issue of NW Teacher is devoted to lesson study, focusing on the concept of “researchers in every classroom,” essential elements and case studies.
Adapting Lesson Study for Community College Math Instruction
Lesson study has rarely been implemented in higher education. To test the usefulness of the lesson study professional development model at the college level, the Community College Research Center (CCRC) and Education Northwest are collaborating to adapt a pilot project at three community colleges in Oregon.
The Implementation and Outcomes of Lesson Study in Community College Mathematics
This new report by the Community College Research Center and Education Northwest describes a project to adapt lesson study for use among faculty teaching a precollege (developmental) quantitative literacy course at three Oregon community colleges.