Jacob Williams

Managing Researcher

Jacob believes that all students can achieve at a high level and that it is our job as educators to determine and implement supports students need to achieve. One great difficulty in our education system is the assumption that all students’ trajectories are the same—like a race that expects all participants to start at the same place and finish in a tie. As this is certainly not the case, Jacob believes we cannot allow any variable that impacts a student’s learning trajectory to be a predictor of success. Instead, we must help students master the knowledge and skills required to be college and career ready.

Jacob began his career in education teaching students with high-incidence disabilities who were fully included in the general education setting. He earned his doctorate to help other educators understand the diversity of youth to support student success. Jacob has led evaluations of alternative programs, including those that reengage youth in K–12 schools, and audited special education programs in Every Student Succeeds Act-identified comprehensive schools. For four years, Jacob was a Title I support coach with Rocky Boy School District on the Rocky Boy Reservation in Montana. In all his work, Jacob’s goal is to ensure equitable outcomes for all students.


  • Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
  • M.Ed., Murray State University
  • B.A., Murray State University
  • School Principal Certificate, University of Oregon

A cause I'm passionate about is...

Educating youth to be independent thinkers

I could talk for hours about...

University of Kentucky Basketball

The scariest thing I’ve done is...

Have a child

Jacob Williams

Areas of Expertise

  • Program evaluation and system improvement technical assistance
  • Special education
  • Multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS)
  • Educational leadership

Blog Posts

Teaching Math to Struggling Learners

Math success for students with learning disabilities and struggling learners starts with solid teaching practices combined with necessary, specially designed teaching adjustments.
Case Briefs & Publications

What Works in Reengaging Young Adults

More than four million U.S. young adults have disengaged from the K–12 education system. We partnered with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to study reengagement programs’ goals and effectiveness.