Jason Greenberg Motamedi

Managing Researcher

Jason is a senior researcher in Education Northwest’s Center for Research, Evaluation, and Analysis. His research supports educators in the Pacific Northwest and around the country in the areas of English learner student instruction and related issues such as teacher development for bilingual and dual-language instruction. Jason also led REL Northwest’s researcher-practitioner partnership with the Washington State Professional Educators Standards Board (PESB), providing technical assistance and conducting rigorous research to support the PESB, higher education and other stakeholders to design and evaluate alternative route and “grow your own” teacher programs to increase the number of bilingual teachers and teachers of color in Washington.


  • Ph.D., Anthropology of Education, Temple University
  • M.A., Cultural Anthropology, Temple University
Jason Greenberg Motamedi

Areas of Expertise

  • English learner and newcomer programs and outcomes
  • Dual language programs and outcomes
  • Teacher preparation and grow-your-own teacher programs
  • Qualitative and mixed methods research design and analysis

Blog Posts
Case Briefs & Publications

Dual Language and English Language Development

Beaverton School District has Oregon’s third largest population of multilingual students, including English learners, who bring valuable cultural, linguistic, and individual strengths, assets, and diversity to the classroom.

Preparing Educators to Teach Multilingual Learners

An increasing number of U.S. students are multilingual learners, but teachers prepared to serve these students are almost always in short supply. A five-year partnership trains teachers to meet multilingual students' needs.