Education Northwest welcomes our new senior fellow, Stephanie Krauss, who will support our work in youth development, workforce development, and alternative education.
When planning for summer programs, considering students’ full humanity, centering equity, and aiming for well-rounded programs will set students up for success.
K-5 office discipline referrals in Oregon were less likely to result in suspensions or expulsions for most student racial/ethnic groups—except Black students—after 2015 state policy reform.
Quality tutoring programs center equity, uplift student voice, involve families, equip staff and volunteers with essential skills, and use data to evaluate success. Check out these eight research-based principles to make your tutoring program more effective.
How can teachers reach all their students—including students from cultural backgrounds different from their own?
Cyberbullying, or electronic aggression, is unwanted behavior by a student or group of students that occurs through email, chat rooms, instant message, websites or social media.
Youth program partnerships can help districts and schools accomplish more than what they can do alone. How can you build your capacity to manage them?
An effective and evidence-based way to improve schools, nonprofits, and government agencies is to make decisions in partnership with those being served. This six-page resource provides an overview and tips for educators and youth workers.
Research shows that programs that support students’ development in communicating effectively, negotiating conflict, managing their emotions and behavior and other social and emotional skills can lead to better academic and life outcomes.
Here is a sampling of the research-based resources and conversations we shared on social and emotional learning.
A collection of blog posts, videos, education research, and websites to help teachers strengthen their relationships with all their students.
The Alaska Statewide Mentor Project has positive effects on the retention of new teachers and student achievement. What can other states take away from what Alaska is doing?
Part 3 of our blog series offers considerations for selecting an SEL measurement tool that works best for your needs.
With all the student skills, mindsets and competencies that fall under the SEL umbrella (including impulse control, perspective-taking and problem-solving), how do you decide which SEL skills should be measured?
Think through important decisions on why to measure SEL, how to use SEL data and which skills, mindsets and capacities are appropriate to measure with this informative two-page guide.